
I hate working in the finance industry

I've been working in the financial sales industry for four years now. I've worked for three different companies. At first, I thought it was me. Then I started realizing it was the industry. It's all the same at each company. It's not about helping people who need it. It's about getting a large account balance. I work 40 plus hours a week. I try my best to help everyone, regardless of account balance. Management wants us to work more hours because sales are down because no one wants to invest right now. Meanwhile, quota for each month is in the millions. I'm tired of the greed in the industry. I'm tired of angry customers calling in, when you try to help them. It's always more, more more! Each firm you go to, it's all the same. I'm frustrated because I feel stuck in the industry, and I can't get out.…

I've been working in the financial sales industry for four years now. I've worked for three different companies. At first, I thought it was me. Then I started realizing it was the industry. It's all the same at each company. It's not about helping people who need it. It's about getting a large account balance. I work 40 plus hours a week. I try my best to help everyone, regardless of account balance. Management wants us to work more hours because sales are down because no one wants to invest right now. Meanwhile, quota for each month is in the millions. I'm tired of the greed in the industry. I'm tired of angry customers calling in, when you try to help them. It's always more, more more! Each firm you go to, it's all the same. I'm frustrated because I feel stuck in the industry, and I can't get out. I want to actually help people who need it, not to help greedy wealthy investors who have had years of gains. The more I work in the industry, the more I understand why people would rather deal drugs, open an Only Fans, or just be homeless.

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