
calling in sick once you’ve had enough?

Does anyone else call in sick when they've had enough? I find I'm always calling in so I don't have to be there, because I hate it that much, then I get caught in a anxiety/guilt cycle of not wanting to go back at all because I'm nervous about what they're going to say, losing money or that I'll lose my job (not that I care about the work not being done, and idc about the companies one bit). Happens with nearly every place I've been to so far because the management is run like 4 year olds, and they make it unbearable and actually makes me feel suicidal thinking about staying there. These jobs are just stepping stones while I build and prepare for my dream career, which I'm waiting for an apprenticeship to be available for me locally. Being like this makes me feel like I'm a useless…

Does anyone else call in sick when they've had enough? I find I'm always calling in so I don't have to be there, because I hate it that much, then I get caught in a anxiety/guilt cycle of not wanting to go back at all because I'm nervous about what they're going to say, losing money or that I'll lose my job (not that I care about the work not being done, and idc about the companies one bit). Happens with nearly every place I've been to so far because the management is run like 4 year olds, and they make it unbearable and actually makes me feel suicidal thinking about staying there. These jobs are just stepping stones while I build and prepare for my dream career, which I'm waiting for an apprenticeship to be available for me locally.

Being like this makes me feel like I'm a useless worker with back work ethic, but every place I've been to has told me I'm great at my job (when I'm new, then they start treating everyone like crap again), and I do want to be good- but I cannot stand being disrespected, and will not sacrifice my happiness for a company that can replace me in a week. It makes me look like a job hopper, but as a job hopper, I have a valid reason for every place I've left- but it's not necessarily appropriate for me to explain every single one when asked why I've left places during interviews.

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