
Is it legal for my boss to force me to take leave?

So i got my wallet stolen along with my license and credit cards. my job can be done from home because part of my responsibilities is to monitor the network (i'm a network engineer). projects are nearing the end so there's not much to do and i am stuck on research phase on another project. I submitted my request for a new license and my CIO stated that I can work from home until my license comes in. My supervisor is not happy with that. So he told me to use my leave days to get my license at the DMV. is this legal??

So i got my wallet stolen along with my license and credit cards. my job can be done from home because part of my responsibilities is to monitor the network (i'm a network engineer). projects are nearing the end so there's not much to do and i am stuck on research phase on another project. I submitted my request for a new license and my CIO stated that I can work from home until my license comes in. My supervisor is not happy with that. So he told me to use my leave days to get my license at the DMV. is this legal??

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