
Discovered I was the only teacher not given a raise

I'm a part-time enrichment teacher and have been at this school a few years. A few weeks back, before summer break, the Principal made a big announcement that everyone was getting a nice raise, to make our pay more in line with surrounding areas. He said everyone would get an updated contract. Well, I asked a few colleagues (one who is also part time and another who has only been there six months) and they said they got theirs. I emailed the Principal and it's been days now and he hasn't responded. I feel like he's purposefully NOT responding. He doesn't respect or value me at all… that's been evident on a few occasions this past year. I've worked all during Covid at this place. (Flarduh, we were only remote like two months in 2020… all last year was in person). In other words, I deserve the raise like everyone…

I'm a part-time enrichment teacher and have been at this school a few years. A few weeks back, before summer break, the Principal made a big announcement that everyone was getting a nice raise, to make our pay more in line with surrounding areas. He said everyone would get an updated contract.

Well, I asked a few colleagues (one who is also part time and another who has only been there six months) and they said they got theirs. I emailed the Principal and it's been days now and he hasn't responded.

I feel like he's purposefully NOT responding. He doesn't respect or value me at all… that's been evident on a few occasions this past year. I've worked all during Covid at this place. (Flarduh, we were only remote like two months in 2020… all last year was in person). In other words, I deserve the raise like everyone else.

REeeeeealllly tempted to ghost him the first week of school like he's ghosted me. Just no call, no show. At a school where there's already no subs. AITA?

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