
My recruiter called – I’ve been reported to HR for not wearing a bra.

I got the call just a couple hours ago while at my sister's house. Needless to say, I'm pissed off and upset, as I'm nonbinary and bras make me heavily dysphoric. Even if I wasn't nonbinary, I'm enraged that anyone thinks they can dictate my choice to wear a bra because they're “uncomfortable”. My sister, who's been studying for the LSAT for almost a year and has had experience with discrimination herself told me to email HR along with my boss and recruiter and ask for: The dress code, in writing, with the parts highlighted stating exactly where it says that bras are needed. A proper reason for why men or masculine presenting individuals aren't beholden to the same code. An in-person meeting after I receive all the above materials. She also told me to not comply under any circumstances unless they can provide proof that it's written in the…

I got the call just a couple hours ago while at my sister's house. Needless to say, I'm pissed off and upset, as I'm nonbinary and bras make me heavily dysphoric. Even if I wasn't nonbinary, I'm enraged that anyone thinks they can dictate my choice to wear a bra because they're “uncomfortable”.

My sister, who's been studying for the LSAT for almost a year and has had experience with discrimination herself told me to email HR along with my boss and recruiter and ask for:

  1. The dress code, in writing, with the parts highlighted stating exactly where it says that bras are needed.

  2. A proper reason for why men or masculine presenting individuals aren't beholden to the same code.

  3. An in-person meeting after I receive all the above materials.

She also told me to not comply under any circumstances unless they can provide proof that it's written in the dress code. Thankfully, I own no bras (for obvious reasons), so I couldn't even comply if I wanted to.

If there's any other advice out there, I'd love to hear it. I plan on looking for a new job because, to be frank, I don't feel safe working in a place like that – I can't name and shame currently, but I will likely edit later once everything plays out.

Thanks for reading.

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