
What do you do when you haven’t been assigned work in a while?

I moved to a new team at my organisation this year and the managers are strange, or perhaps it’s just me who hasn’t experienced this type of management before; we don’t get assigned more work after turning in our work. In the beginning I kept asking for more work, but since I’m working from home currently, I’m enjoying knitting instead. After the knitting project, I’ll apply for jobs. But get this, every month end, like clockwork, my manager will assign some last minute work with a ridiculously tight deadline that everyone ignores, when we’ve had a whole month that we could have used to do it. Has anyone had a similar experience? Is the onus on me to request more work each time? It’s not like I received much training, the managers are quite laissez faire with their leadership. Even they aren’t current with what our skills are, they just…

I moved to a new team at my organisation this year and the managers are strange, or perhaps it’s just me who hasn’t experienced this type of management before; we don’t get assigned more work after turning in our work. In the beginning I kept asking for more work, but since I’m working from home currently, I’m enjoying knitting instead. After the knitting project, I’ll apply for jobs.

But get this, every month end, like clockwork, my manager will assign some last minute work with a ridiculously tight deadline that everyone ignores, when we’ve had a whole month that we could have used to do it.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Is the onus on me to request more work each time? It’s not like I received much training, the managers are quite laissez faire with their leadership. Even they aren’t current with what our skills are, they just send things our way and assume we know what to do.

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