
Got fired in April

So, I have severe anxiety as well as ADHD. In April I got fired from a job I started in September for not putting paperwork in the system for billing. Which, I think is complete BS because I literally spent 5 years at my prior job doing exactly that. I would never have not put paperwork in the system — if it came to my desk. They showed me no proof of what I apparently did. Just 'it was found during an audit'. I was also terminated the day after I came back from some time off for a family member who passed away. Suspicious termination aside, I was put through the wringer at this place, hired on as Customer Service, but they're so understaffed that I was also doing like, three other jobs. I cried / came close to anxiety attacks during work hours at least once a week…

So, I have severe anxiety as well as ADHD.

In April I got fired from a job I started in September for not putting paperwork in the system for billing. Which, I think is complete BS because I literally spent 5 years at my prior job doing exactly that. I would never have not put paperwork in the system — if it came to my desk. They showed me no proof of what I apparently did. Just 'it was found during an audit'.

I was also terminated the day after I came back from some time off for a family member who passed away.

Suspicious termination aside, I was put through the wringer at this place, hired on as Customer Service, but they're so understaffed that I was also doing like, three other jobs. I cried / came close to anxiety attacks during work hours at least once a week in a period of six months.

I'm finding that mentally, while putting in applications at new places, that I'm frankly a bit traumatized. My anxiety spikes the second I see someone tried to contact me back about an application. I'm terrified. Because am I going to get walked on all over again? It doesn't feel worth it, to put in all those tears for a sad paycheck.

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