
Just a reminder that your company DOES NOT care and will drop you in a minute given the chance

My FIL who has spent over 20 years at the same company, countless unpaid hours, taking calls on weekends, commuting to the office 2.5 hours a day, was just let go. His career was basically his identity, as goes for a lot of his generation, and loyalty meant nothing. It’s not just big corporations that couldn’t care less to replace you, even small private and family owned businesses, like his, do not need you if they come up with any reason that suits the moment. Let this serve as a reminder: no matter how hard you work, they don’t care. You might think all those overtime hours and overworked years will mean something, but they won’t. You are replaceable.

My FIL who has spent over 20 years at the same company, countless unpaid hours, taking calls on weekends, commuting to the office 2.5 hours a day, was just let go. His career was basically his identity, as goes for a lot of his generation, and loyalty meant nothing. It’s not just big corporations that couldn’t care less to replace you, even small private and family owned businesses, like his, do not need you if they come up with any reason that suits the moment.

Let this serve as a reminder: no matter how hard you work, they don’t care. You might think all those overtime hours and overworked years will mean something, but they won’t. You are replaceable.

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