
oh how the turntables have…

My husband had been wanting to get back into this company for a year, (he had to quit when we moved and we had just moved back). He had a super good track record with this company and had actually left as a total legend. After applying multiple times he finally gets an interview with a different department. He is so nervous and dresses up nice for his interview and we log in (it's a video chat interview) – I am more tech savvy than he is and I thought the video chat was on zoom and had him logged into the wrong platform. We realized 2 mins before the interview. I downloaded the other platform they use and got him logged in but I couldn't get his audio set up fast enough. So the first minute of the call is both of us and I'm getting the audio set…

My husband had been wanting to get back into this company for a year, (he had to quit when we moved and we had just moved back). He had a super good track record with this company and had actually left as a total legend. After applying multiple times he finally gets an interview with a different department. He is so nervous and dresses up nice for his interview and we log in (it's a video chat interview) – I am more tech savvy than he is and I thought the video chat was on zoom and had him logged into the wrong platform. We realized 2 mins before the interview. I downloaded the other platform they use and got him logged in but I couldn't get his audio set up fast enough. So the first minute of the call is both of us and I'm getting the audio set up and working.

I get him all set up and, I swear, the first thing the main interviewer (the director aka his new boss's boss) says (with me clearly still in the room) is “wow, 2 minutes late, not off to a good start [Husband's Name]” and then (according to my husband) proceeds to grill him on how his button up shirt isn't professional enough (this is for an outside entry level position), he asks him about his health history (which wasn't allowed and caught my husband off guard and he didn't know what to say), and kept interrupting him when he'd try to answer his questions.

Anyway, so he doesn't hire him. He insisted they hire this less apt employee and manipulated HR to make sure my husband wasn't hired. The guy he does hire ends up having lied about his ability to do the job and (surprise, surprise, not only ends up immediately on light duty, but then ends up nearly losing a limb and then getting terminated after he returned from the hospital where he almost lost his life due to his injury). None of this was the company's fault, it was all because this manager didn't do his due diligence.

So now the director has no choice but to offer the job to my husband. He makes some stupid speech about how he's not his first choice but that he wants to keep things professional and tells my husband that he shouldn't let being second choice get in the way of a professional relationship.

My husband really wants to get back into the company and his new manager promises he will keep the director away from my husband. Besides he really needs the work, so he accepts the job.

Less than a month after he's hired, he finds out the director is on probation. I guess he punched someone who was working at his house, got arrested and didn't tell his job (which was against the rules not to tell them). Less than a month after that, the guy was 100% fired. I'll never forget my husband coming home to tell me the news. We literally threw a mini party to celebrate him being gone. Such a douche.

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