
An Article about the restaurant Eleven Madison Park

Just because the high end restaurant charges a lot, it doesn't mean it trickles down to the workers. The article also talks about how he was chastised for scooping the ice too loud. “Yerves recounted a time he was sent out with a ruler onto the streets of New York and told not to return until he had enough 5-inch red peppers for the dish for the evening: fried peppers wrapped in Swiss chard. Two hours later, after visiting three or four Whole Foods stores, Yerves returned with the peppers, only to have half of them thrown away, he says, as part of what a former colleague called the restaurant's “farm to trash” pipeline. Yerves said he was paid $15 an hour during his Eleven Madison Park tenure. Patrons ordering the vegan tasting menu could expect to pay $335 per person.”

Just because the high end restaurant charges a lot, it doesn't mean it trickles down to the workers. The article also talks about how he was chastised for scooping the ice too loud.

“Yerves recounted a time he was sent out with a ruler onto the streets of New York and told not to return until he had enough 5-inch red peppers for the dish for the evening: fried peppers wrapped in Swiss chard. Two hours later, after visiting three or four Whole Foods stores, Yerves returned with the peppers, only to have half of them thrown away, he says, as part of what a former colleague called the restaurant's “farm to trash” pipeline.

Yerves said he was paid $15 an hour during his Eleven Madison Park tenure. Patrons ordering the vegan tasting menu could expect to pay $335 per person.”

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