
Am i getting taken advantage of because of my age?

So I, 18F, started working at my job when I was 17, obviously its just a part time job as I’m currently finishing up my education (my a-levels are finally over on the 24th!). Im taking a gap year and was going to continue working where I am currently but I keep getting paid less than I’m meant to and I’m not a very confrontational person and have a hard time talking to authority figures about things that I know I’m right about if that makes sense? I don’t like telling them they’re wrong as they usually get very defensive. Anyway so I started working at the store in October 2021, might be worth mentioning that this is my first job. The first time this happened was in January, I was on around £6.50/h and got paid £138.80 when it should’ve been £156.76 now I know its only like £20…

So I, 18F, started working at my job when I was 17, obviously its just a part time job as I’m currently finishing up my education (my a-levels are finally over on the 24th!). Im taking a gap year and was going to continue working where I am currently but I keep getting paid less than I’m meant to and I’m not a very confrontational person and have a hard time talking to authority figures about things that I know I’m right about if that makes sense? I don’t like telling them they’re wrong as they usually get very defensive.

Anyway so I started working at the store in October 2021, might be worth mentioning that this is my first job. The first time this happened was in January, I was on around £6.50/h and got paid £138.80 when it should’ve been £156.76 now I know its only like £20 but I don’t get paid much so every penny counts aha. I talked to my manager and she said she would put the money i was owed on the next payslip but it never happened. I love the people at my work but my manager hates me and I’m not too fond of her either but I’m not sure what i did to deserve this.

She also told me that it was my fault that i wasn’t paid the correct amount as I’m not in that much however she makes the timetables and she knows I was in full time education when she hired me so I’m not sure what she expected. I have also never said i couldn’t work certain days or could only do certain hours a week she controls when I’m in and how long (she also never puts me on any shifts w/ her because she doesn’t like me aha, I’m not mad about it I can’t stand her).

But I was willing to let the £20ish go because i can’t deal with arguing with her about it and it somehow being my fault that she fucked up the payslips. However, I haven’t received any payslips for about 3 months now and my last pay for may (I’m now on £8.23/h for reference), I got paid £172.96 when I should’ve got £193.40. It’s starting to annoy me as I don’t make much and I’m trying to save up for uni (now and through my gap year). I brought it up with her but she completely dismissed it and said she would get my payslips emailed to me but that never happened. I have no idea what to do, she gets pissed if I email the payroll people even though it says to on the payslip if there is any problems (I only did it once but jesus christ she shouted at me so much like im sorry you cant count? and she never told me to go to her).

I’ve tried speaking to my coworkers but again when she found out i was talking to someone else she of course shouted at me (because im fucking terrified of her and need advice from people who have been here longer than me on how to communicate with her without getting yelled at). But I don’t know what to do now, I think she knows im scared of her and im young and this is my first job so she knows I dont know what to do in this situation, or she just fucks up and doesnt care. But in the 8/9 months I’ve been there it has never happened to anyone else but has happened to me twice? Any help would be appreciated in what to do to get this money back without angering her.

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