
I left my job early because I learned what assholes they are.

It’s just a part time job for college students, nothing too much. I say early because I put in my two weeks 13 days ago and called out my last three days. But now I don’t think “two faced” has ever applied more to a group of people I’ve met. It’s a small-ish but popular retail store. One-of-a-kind. Locally it’s a dream job. I actually liked working there for a while but I quit only because it got to be so much work for little pay. But, on Tuesday, a few things happened that really pushed me. This might end up more as a vent, sorry. It is “policy” not to discuss wages. I know it’s illegal, I’m reporting it soon. Anyway there’s a person there who makes more than me while having worked there half as long, same job same skill level. Oh and my “generous raise” was actually…

It’s just a part time job for college students, nothing too much. I say early because I put in my two weeks 13 days ago and called out my last three days. But now I don’t think “two faced” has ever applied more to a group of people I’ve met.

It’s a small-ish but popular retail store. One-of-a-kind. Locally it’s a dream job. I actually liked working there for a while but I quit only because it got to be so much work for little pay. But, on Tuesday, a few things happened that really pushed me. This might end up more as a vent, sorry.

  1. It is “policy” not to discuss wages. I know it’s illegal, I’m reporting it soon. Anyway there’s a person there who makes more than me while having worked there half as long, same job same skill level. Oh and my “generous raise” was actually starting pay rising. The manager tried to use this “generous raise” against me to make me feel bad for slacking one day.

  2. There’s a person who’s worked there for a very long time, for a part time job. They only now got “promoted” to full time, but only because someone else was on medical leave. And they only make $14/hr. They’re not getting a raise for a few months either, for some reason, despite now doing a much harder job.

  3. A young girl was made fun of behind her back when she wore lip stick when a TV crew came. By people she trusted, including our assistant manager.

  4. A person had a weekend trip to see his parents for the first time in six months, making sure he was off welll in advance. He was asked to come in, and told the manager he couldn’t because of that trip. It would also be his eleventh day in a row working 10 hours. She said “that sounds like a you problem” word for word when he mentioned he hadn’t seen his parents in six months, and to the ridiculous hours she said she worked more than him at 4 times his age (she works 11 hour days… at a desk, not a sales floor, with weekends always off).

  5. I’ve always normally worked from about 10 or 11. Suddenly I was scheduled to work 8 to close, and when I asked if I could come in later they said sorry while making no attempt to get someone to cover. That was today, I guess they could cover it.

You always see that it’s a red flag when businesses say it’s like a family, but at this one it was true. But a new CEO who yells swears so loud the entire office area hears it and management forming cliques has ruined it.

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