
Boss has skipped my last 2 one-on-one meetings, WTF?

I am right to be upset, extremely disrespected, my boss is not coming to my one-on-one meeting? This is a meeting that each team member has with the boss every two weeks at the boss's instruction as it is passed down from his boss. So my boss (a manager) has me schedule a meeting with him but then does not even show up. More than not show up, he usually does not even say 'sorry I can't make it'. He accepted all the meetings, they show up on his calendar, but then he does not show. Two weeks ago he sent me 'in a call…' 10 minutes after our meeting should have started. This week, 15 mins in and nothing. Not one damn word. This from a company that deals with 'health and wellness' and just stated this week a ” Thrive Teammate Resource Group (TRG)” that is a “teammate-led…

I am right to be upset, extremely disrespected, my boss is not coming to my one-on-one meeting? This is a meeting that each team member has with the boss every two weeks at the boss's instruction as it is passed down from his boss. So my boss (a manager) has me schedule a meeting with him but then does not even show up. More than not show up, he usually does not even say 'sorry I can't make it'. He accepted all the meetings, they show up on his calendar, but then he does not show. Two weeks ago he sent me 'in a call…' 10 minutes after our meeting should have started. This week, 15 mins in and nothing. Not one damn word.

This from a company that deals with 'health and wellness' and just stated this week a ” Thrive Teammate Resource Group (TRG)” that is a “teammate-led group focused on Disabilities and Abilities and formed around common interests, common bonds, or similar backgrounds. For starters, we will focus on mental health…”

Isn't that nice. How about start with treating your employees as a fucking person. Just pretend for 15 minutes every 2 fucking weeks they matter. Fucking assholes. My 3-day wekeend, with Monday Juneteenth being off, is now going to start 1 day and 2 hours earlier. I hate so much looking for jobs, I have severe anxiety and doing interview after interview is just completely draining but i cant let myself be treated this way either.

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