
Have you ever really calculated the time you have worked over the course of your life? Sad to give away that much and still be unhappy and struggle.

A lot of people toss around hours of work so casually. They assume a “normal” week is 40 hours. Hell, for some that number may be 50 or 60. If you sit down and actually calculate over your life what you have worked it’s mind blowing. This is especially scary when you realize all those hours worked doesn’t instantly mean wealth even worse it doesn’t equate to comfort and happiness. The worst part is people are willing to work those hours and willingly give up that much of their life just to live comfortably. They aren’t asking for luxury cars, mansions, lavish vacations… they want a place to call their own and be able to do it without being hungry or stressed about bills. Then again work people to death now because at age 50 or 60 they will fall over dead with a heart attack… but that’s okay because…

A lot of people toss around hours of work so casually. They assume a “normal” week is 40 hours. Hell, for some that number may be 50 or 60. If you sit down and actually calculate over your life what you have worked it’s mind blowing. This is especially scary when you realize all those hours worked doesn’t instantly mean wealth even worse it doesn’t equate to comfort and happiness. The worst part is people are willing to work those hours and willingly give up that much of their life just to live comfortably. They aren’t asking for luxury cars, mansions, lavish vacations… they want a place to call their own and be able to do it without being hungry or stressed about bills. Then again work people to death now because at age 50 or 60 they will fall over dead with a heart attack… but that’s okay because the whole circle just starts over again with the next batch of worker. I just find it pure insanity the bar is so low for what workers want and still can’t have it.

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