
17 isn’t to young to know..

So this is an old story. But a decent one. When I was 17 I worked at a local popular seafood restaurant called harbor inn. It was family owned by two brothers, and they had more restaurants in the area but different food. Anyway… it was 2017 and I was a senior in high school, when I interviewed with the manager (who was not an owner or family member) I told her I did competition dance and that I dance everyday and I’m also a senior so I’ll have activities throughout the year I cannot miss. They agreed and said I can work weekends as a hostess then when summer comes I can train to be a waitress and work more. When I started it was super overwhelming because everyone there had worked there a long time and it was full of regulars who were old and didn’t enjoy seeing…

So this is an old story. But a decent one. When I was 17 I worked at a local popular seafood restaurant called harbor inn. It was family owned by two brothers, and they had more restaurants in the area but different food. Anyway… it was 2017 and I was a senior in high school, when I interviewed with the manager (who was not an owner or family member) I told her I did competition dance and that I dance everyday and I’m also a senior so I’ll have activities throughout the year I cannot miss. They agreed and said I can work weekends as a hostess then when summer comes I can train to be a waitress and work more. When I started it was super overwhelming because everyone there had worked there a long time and it was full of regulars who were old and didn’t enjoy seeing new people? Throughout working there, there were MANY things that happened to me. 1. Manager told me I cannot use the bathroom because “if you want to be a waitress you need to learn to hold it for your shift” 2. I got in trouble for leaving my post because I went to the bathroom after getting permission, then when I came back she denied ever saying yes. 3. When you are working register you cannot leave to get anything aka a drink.. so beginning of my shift I got two drinks to hold me over, and got screamed at by one of the brothers because I got two drinks. 4. One of my male friend began working there a month or so after me… when I asked him his pay he said he was making 50 cent more than me!!! Same position!!! 5. They had ROACHES climbing on the tables as customers were eating and one customer while checking out said something to me about it, I told her we are actively working on the issue (which was true) she left a review on google and I was told by a brother “NEVER say something like that ever again, he said to LIE and say “I had no idea we had roaches” disgusting. 6. And all I can remember the WORST!!!! Is when I was working with male friend and since I cannot leave the cash register I asked him to grab me a drink. One of the brothers heard me ask and I guess thought I was talking to him. He turned around and snapped “what did you just say to me???” I told him I was asking friend to grab me a drink… less than two min later he came up to me and told me to get my stuff and leave. No explanation. I was so confused but left. That night he called me and said “the reason I told you to leave was because I was angry with another employee.. no hard feelings ok?” … what? Are you serious? You tell me to leave in front of everyone humiliating me then can’t even apologize.. there was also constant issues when I had some sort of dance or senior event I had to attend to. But after a few weeks I was supposed to train someone new and called the morning of and told them I’m done. I quit. When I went to get my check I was talking to a waitress friend and the brother said “you need to get your check and leave,you aren’t welcome here.

Extra sauce for the story. One of the brothers wife worked there too and he was so horrible to her!!! Constantly screamed at her in front of everyone and bossed her around like a child. The other brother HIRED a women who he had paid for prostitution 🤯🤯 she had all the proof of texts messages and money deposits. Even at 17 I knew no one should be treated like that.

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