
A GenX story from the 90’s

Back in 1990 I was a senior in high school with a bad attitude, smoking weed, in a “band”, didn't know shit about shit. And was just informed that I was going to be a dad. Holy shit. I didn't know my head from my ass. Minimum wage was $3.35/hour. It changed to $3.80 later that year. A friend told me to apply for a job at the la-z-boy factory nearby where he worked. So I quit the weed, passed the piss test and started working the night shift so I could finish school during the day. I graduated and we got married. That's just what you did in our circumstances at the time and the town we lived. Had the baby. Insurance paid everything but like $100. Copays were $5. I don't recall having a premium. Our first apartment was a very nice 2 bedroom that was $310/month. I…

Back in 1990 I was a senior in high school with a bad attitude, smoking weed, in a “band”, didn't know shit about shit. And was just informed that I was going to be a dad. Holy shit. I didn't know my head from my ass.

Minimum wage was $3.35/hour. It changed to $3.80 later that year. A friend told me to apply for a job at the la-z-boy factory nearby where he worked. So I quit the weed, passed the piss test and started working the night shift so I could finish school during the day.

I graduated and we got married. That's just what you did in our circumstances at the time and the town we lived. Had the baby. Insurance paid everything but like $100. Copays were $5. I don't recall having a premium. Our first apartment was a very nice 2 bedroom that was $310/month. I don't recall ever struggling to pay rent. Wife just stayed home with the kid.

I did a variety of piece rate positions at the la-z-boy factory in the wood and metal shop as well as some assembly. I can't recall the base rate, but my average was always between $12 – $13/hour. I got paid my average for holidays and PTO. I remember light duty work paid $6.50 / hour, like for if you're injured but somewhat capable.

In 1991, after 1 year of service and with just enough credit established and barely 19 years old, I bought a 3 bedroom 1 bath house for $49k. Interest rate was around 9.5% at the time. House payment was just under $500. My wife stayed home with the kid. It just wasn't necessary for her to work.

That's how easy it was back then. Even an irresponsible stoner such as myself could buy a house and raise a family with just one income at a shitty factory job.

That factory eventually moved to Mexico. I had already moved on by then.

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