
help me help my husband get the pay he deserves

My husband was asked to apply for a position that was becoming available because someone was retiring. The man was making $72K at the time of his retirement. My husband was making much less in his role. Much less. So he applied for it and got it, but they screwed him. He said they explained they only offer him $60K, and promised there would be raises to come soon. It was more than he was making so he accepted it. I explained to him that he got fucked over. This was his first “real” job working in a corporate office and he is a fairly insecure navigating corporate culture. He didn't know how to negotiate and he got screwed. He signed on the spot instead of taking it home to discuss it with me. I explained that the reason he had to sign was because he was allowed to not…

My husband was asked to apply for a position that was becoming available because someone was retiring. The man was making $72K at the time of his retirement. My husband was making much less in his role. Much less. So he applied for it and got it, but they screwed him. He said they explained they only offer him $60K, and promised there would be raises to come soon. It was more than he was making so he accepted it. I explained to him that he got fucked over. This was his first “real” job working in a corporate office and he is a fairly insecure navigating corporate culture. He didn't know how to negotiate and he got screwed. He signed on the spot instead of taking it home to discuss it with me. I explained that the reason he had to sign was because he was allowed to not accept the offer and demand more pay. They would have come back with a better offer. $72k was clearly in the budget for the position. Why wouldn't it be for the next person to fill the position?

He is busting his ass and but he clearly does not grasp what the value of his labor is. When is the right time to bring this issue up? How should it be framed? Is this even the right place to ask this question?

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