
12 years and poof

Sorry this Is a long one. Need to get it off my chest. So I just got fired today. Been working for the place place 12 years. Worked my way up to a facility supervisor 6 years ago and been doing an outstanding job at it. They were also slowly expecting more and more from me and putting more responsibilities on my plate. I gave that place countless 12-17 hour days, weeks of no days off, some weekends of back to back shifts with 3 hours of sleep on a table. I was salaried, so anything over 44 hrs a week was banked to use at a different time. It started last summer when some interdepartmental bs was going on. I stood up to the CAO to defend my department and workers. Well she is a conniving vengeful bitch, and those are my nice words for her. Fast forward to…

Sorry this Is a long one. Need to get it off my chest.

So I just got fired today. Been working for the place place 12 years. Worked my way up to a facility supervisor 6 years ago and been doing an outstanding job at it. They were also slowly expecting more and more from me and putting more responsibilities on my plate.

I gave that place countless 12-17 hour days, weeks of no days off, some weekends of back to back shifts with 3 hours of sleep on a table. I was salaried, so anything over 44 hrs a week was banked to use at a different time.

It started last summer when some interdepartmental bs was going on. I stood up to the CAO to defend my department and workers. Well she is a conniving vengeful bitch, and those are my nice words for her.

Fast forward to November and I loose a staff member. So a 3 person schedule (myself, person who left, and a part timer) drops down to a 2, the part timer and myself. So naturally basically one person cannot do the work of 2. I had a bit of help from staff from another facility, but not a lot.

January roles around, Ontario goes into lockdown. I tell my immediate supervisor I am going to be taking a bunch of time off since we are shutdown. I work Monday, Tuesday 8-12, off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8-12. She agrees to this. This left me get some much needed time off. Well towards the end of the month a high priority email comes at 4pm on a Tuesday. When I see the email at 9am Thursday (after shoveling snow and doing my checks) I rush off to fix the issue. In doing so I miss a meeting with my supervisor and fellow facility operator.

This triggers being written up for unsatisfactory work performance and attitude. They have a bunch of small grievances that it is my first time seeing (supposed to have a verbal warning first). And low and behold the attitude from the past summer when we were treated like crap was brought up too.

Ok I'll be a good boy, for now.

Starting the following Monday everything opens back up. Still short staffed. I end up working 34 days straight, 210 hours. Get a few days off when my S/O gets covid. And 3 more weeks hard at it till the end of the season. I lose my part timer, so now I am working alone, but I am on Mon-fri 7-4.

So as expected, I can not stay on top of my workload. Get a summer student in May. Start climbing back to the top of the work list, but things are still way behind. Complaints come in. Some of which are for things that we have NEVER maintained in the 12 years I have been here. Office wants student to do a job that I don't feel comfortable having them do. Stand up for her. Oh and dumping “high prority” (even though they are not) items upon us last minute wrecks my planned work schedule.

Then apparently on June 3 I verbally harrassed a different summer student. Oh, but not only then but when they worked for us the summer before 10 months ago, and in Dec 2020 when they were doing covid screening. The person remembers 2 specific sentences after 18 months, another 2 after 10 months and one from a few days prior.

Now maybe I did say said things. I can not remember. Chronic stress and burnout mess with your mind. But I have never had any other complaints of harassment in 12 years. Other staff in the department are as baffled as me. It also goes against personality.

So last Wednesday I was put on paid suspension. Went in on Thursday to be interviewed for the harassment aligations. To which I said I do not remember any of it. Sat at home till today when they called me in for 4 and fired me. There is a bunch of other made up stuff in my fire letter, but the big one is the breach of harassment policy, and not doing my duties. Again on person can not do the work 2 or 3

I am going to wait till I get my final pay and whatnot before doing anything. By my math I am entitled to 60 hours of vacation pay, and 132 hours of banked time. When I was escorted around the facility to gather my things they would not met me take my paystubs and my copy of my timesheets (I print 2, hand one in and keep the other). I flat out said I want a copy them.

It sucks a bit right now, but I had a feeling it was coming since January. I have quite a bit of savings, plus the s/o does home daycare. Baby due in 2 months. For the time being I think I'll try for walmart or something to get some money coming in while I look in my field

TL:DR Gave it my all for 12 years, got treated like shit, got treated like shit some more and was fired.

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