
Fired today… tbh. I’m glad

This morning I woke up early took care of my baby son and then got ready and went to my job. When I walked in a C level redneck was there and proceeded to hand me my pink slip for something that should have been a write up. Three years gone, have customers calling me and I can’t tell them what’s going on due to threats from employer. So I pack up and head home after laughing (been through some pretty bad shit in my life so this isn’t my first asshole rodeo) sit in a parking lot for a bit thinking about how to tell the wife… she actually takes it really well. Got to spend the day with my kid, have an interview for tomorrow already lined up and have some in the works for next week…. Seeing my little one laugh is worth more to me than…

This morning I woke up early took care of my baby son and then got ready and went to my job. When I walked in a C level redneck was there and proceeded to hand me my pink slip for something that should have been a write up. Three years gone, have customers calling me and I can’t tell them what’s going on due to threats from employer. So I pack up and head home after laughing (been through some pretty bad shit in my life so this isn’t my first asshole rodeo) sit in a parking lot for a bit thinking about how to tell the wife… she actually takes it really well. Got to spend the day with my kid, have an interview for tomorrow already lined up and have some in the works for next week…. Seeing my little one laugh is worth more to me than the grind I have been in for three years. He’s asleep on me right now as I fat finger this… today I could have totally lost my cool… but ya know what… I am happy right here in this moment and all I can say is fuck work.

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