IAM Local S6 welder here. The new BIW company president (who has been in the job about two weeks) has terminated welders While Assigned Rates for specialist work. At the shipyard welders get a “while assigned rate” of $2.50/hr extra when welding aluminum on the mast or stainless steel on whats called intake uptake for the exhaust system… well… we USED to. The new company president terminated that. Ive been working the mast all week so i literally just got robbed of an extra $100 dollars… Two weeks in and you literally take money out of our pockets when inflation is through the roof and prices are sky rocketing??? Absolutely disgusting. Corporate greed knows no ends. The guy was walking around the yard pretending to be a decent human being, engaging with the membership. His true colors have been revealed. We all knew he had an angle. Looks like we found it. In solidarity.