
During a job interview yesterday I was asked why I need the money and told to convince the recruiter on why I need it more than the other candidates. Dance for me monkey, dance.

Yesterday I went to a job interview in the service industry. The interviewer asked me why I want to work for them. I'm about done with these stupid questions so I don't hold back much. I told him that they keep posting the same ad looking for people so that must mean they're not able to retain anyone (no wonder why, the pay is shit and so are the hours). I want to work for them because they need staff and I need a job, plus I got years of experience and great references. Then he asked why I need the money. I said, to live. And he said yes but what for exactly, what do you plan to do with it. What the fuck kind of question is that? I repeated, to live. To buy food, pay bills and rent, like all jobs I'll be exchanging my labour for…

Yesterday I went to a job interview in the service industry. The interviewer asked me why I want to work for them. I'm about done with these stupid questions so I don't hold back much. I told him that they keep posting the same ad looking for people so that must mean they're not able to retain anyone (no wonder why, the pay is shit and so are the hours). I want to work for them because they need staff and I need a job, plus I got years of experience and great references.

Then he asked why I need the money. I said, to live. And he said yes but what for exactly, what do you plan to do with it. What the fuck kind of question is that? I repeated, to live. To buy food, pay bills and rent, like all jobs I'll be exchanging my labour for money and what I do with that money is private.

At that point the interviewer told me to convince him I need the money more than the other candidates he was interviewing. So now I have to entertain the master and convince him I'm deserving of the breadcrumbs he's throwing my way? It's not only enough to do the job you pay me for, but I have to prove I deserve the money?

I said I don't appreciate the way he was treating me and don't want to work for a company like that. It's humiliating, what the fuck do they care what I need the money for? Do I have to walk into my next interview with a sob story ready to prove I need the money the most? So what if I want the money to buy legos or to keep it in the bank untouched, then that's not a convincing enough reason to hire me?

Last week I reported a hotel owner for the extremely highly illegal working conditions (such as working 11 hours a day for 1.280€ a month before taxes, 104 extra hours unpaid a month and having an illegal working contract) he offered me during an interview and luckily I got the entire thing recorded on my phone (it's legal in Spain where I am). I've heard so much illegal shit that I record every single interview on my phone to have proof should I need to report it. Then they say we don't want to work but they offer terrible working conditions and treat us as infrahumans. The interview yesterday although recorded, it isn't illegal to treat me like a subhuman peasant and ask me to convince them I need the money. Power tripping employers, it's disgusting. I'm so done with all of them.

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