
Should a RN (registered nurse) discard whole systems for a bad experience with a manager / salaried recruiter?

I remember 2 situations: the first one was when I still wasn't a RN (registered nurse) and worked in a care home. On my fifth day I had a night shift with 2 other coworkers, an old woman and a younger one. The old woman was very loud and spent the most part of 2 hours talking, loudly, to the younger woman, who meekly answered her questions. I found that outright disrespectful (it was nighttime) and after asking them to tone it down, they ignored me. After my shift I notified the manager, who called me in for a talk and outright fired me (apparently that woman was his favorite?). It sting at the time, but now I think I'm better off not working in a place where nurses yell when management is not around and clients sleep (or try to sleep). Now I wonder if I'm blacklisted in that…

I remember 2 situations:

the first one was when I still wasn't a RN (registered nurse) and worked in a care home. On my fifth day I had a night shift with 2 other coworkers, an old woman and a younger one. The old woman was very loud and spent the most part of 2 hours talking, loudly, to the younger woman, who meekly answered her questions. I found that outright disrespectful (it was nighttime) and after asking them to tone it down, they ignored me. After my shift I notified the manager, who called me in for a talk and outright fired me (apparently that woman was his favorite?). It sting at the time, but now I think I'm better off not working in a place where nurses yell when management is not around and clients sleep (or try to sleep). Now I wonder if I'm blacklisted in that system, as the manager made sure to jot down everything he could think of to put me in the worst possible light (your nails are too long, you are not carrying your identification card -I wasn't the only one-, how dare you wear an undershirt not to catch a cold?!).

The other one was when I already passed my NCLEX (certification) and was looking for a job in a hospital. A recruiter working salaried for another system (meaning he wouldn't get a commission of my final earnings) contacted me and we agreed an interview…. she came late, I got to a room full of 20 applicants and I had to wait… 4 hours. That's what desperation makes you do, 4 wasted hours with nobody telling you anything about nothing. Back then I didn't know anything about my rights or how to protect my interests or my value and I was in a hard place with debts. I promised myself I wouldn't apply or work for such shoddy people again. Being a salaried recruiter, I don't know if they blacklisted me…

Sadly, this world ain't this easy and there is a chance I might have to work for these systems again, as other options would require to relocate or a longer commute, neither options I'd enjoy.

Should I discard whole systems for bad experiences with individual managers / recruiters?

If you've never worked in healthcare but think your experience could help me, don't hesitate to post!

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