
should minimum wage jobs pay the meds for my foot aches?

It's so stupid that many minimum wage jobs in big stores don't let us sit down for 8 hours. Like I need meds/pain creme everyday to cope with my foot aches. But like, why should I spend so much money on it when I'm barely making anything? If they want me to stand on my feet for 8 hours in order to “look professional” in front of the customers, then maybe they should also pay for the meds we need to cope with the pain of that.

It's so stupid that many minimum wage jobs in big stores don't let us sit down for 8 hours.
Like I need meds/pain creme everyday to cope with my foot aches.
But like, why should I spend so much money on it when I'm barely making anything?
If they want me to stand on my feet for 8 hours in order to “look professional” in front of the customers, then maybe they should also pay for the meds we need to cope with the pain of that.

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