
1099 contractor information technology union.

Wouldn't this help stop all the offshoring of the IT depts. They can't offshore everything. I'm sitting here with 2 project managers right now who don't know shit about IT work and they are running the company. They are an umbrella company under a company from France and we are treated like W-2 employees but paid on 1099 so they can avoid taxes. We are creating training documentation for all their offshore hires right now.

Wouldn't this help stop all the offshoring of the IT depts. They can't offshore everything. I'm sitting here with 2 project managers right now who don't know shit about IT work and they are running the company. They are an umbrella company under a company from France and we are treated like W-2 employees but paid on 1099 so they can avoid taxes. We are creating training documentation for all their offshore hires right now.

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