
Letter to my boss on clocking out early

Yes I clocked out early.Cry about it. You have a car, I cannot afford one. I have to leave a bit early or I'll miss my train and be an hour late home.Between working an extra couple minutes at this shit job and going home on time, I'll go home on time thank ya much. It's under 10 minutes early too. I always keep my lateness under 10 minutes late,and if I leave early I leave under 10 minutes early. Literally everybody else there has uneven in and out times. We all clock out a few minutes before the hour. Why you singling me out? You like this about my breaks too. Making me explain myself and apologize at least twice before you let me rest. Every other boss is cool,and you get paid nowhere NEAR enough to be up my ass like this.

Yes I clocked out early.Cry about it. You have a car, I cannot afford one. I have to leave a bit early or I'll miss my train and be an hour late home.Between working an extra couple minutes at this shit job and going home on time, I'll go home on time thank ya much.

It's under 10 minutes early too. I always keep my lateness under 10 minutes late,and if I leave early I leave under 10 minutes early. Literally everybody else there has uneven in and out times. We all clock out a few minutes before the hour. Why you singling me out? You like this about my breaks too. Making me explain myself and apologize at least twice before you let me rest. Every other boss is cool,and you get paid nowhere NEAR enough to be up my ass like this.

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