
How are you supposed to get an entry level job with so much competition?

Seems like a needle in a haystack situation tbh. I don't see how some people do it… These are easy jobs where they supposedly claim to train people up but they expect people to have tonnes of internships and stuff under their belt like that is easy to find. Not to mention impractical if they're unpaid! Seriously companies have crazy impossible requirements and gazillions of hoops they expect people to jump over. At the end of it, you're not even paid that much in some industries, especially creative ones. Does this not make anyone else confused and pissed off? Edit: Also, you look at the job descriptions and for benefits/”perks” they all sound same-y and pointless. Like we'll plant a tree for every employee! Or compulsory baking class every Wednesday! Or cycle to work scheme! Or minuscule discount on whatever product! Huh. Dude, I'm sure most people don't care about…

Seems like a needle in a haystack situation tbh. I don't see how some people do it…

These are easy jobs where they supposedly claim to train people up but they expect people to have tonnes of internships and stuff under their belt like that is easy to find. Not to mention impractical if they're unpaid! Seriously companies have crazy impossible requirements and gazillions of hoops they expect people to jump over.

At the end of it, you're not even paid that much in some industries, especially creative ones.

Does this not make anyone else confused and pissed off?

Edit: Also, you look at the job descriptions and for benefits/”perks” they all sound same-y and pointless. Like we'll plant a tree for every employee! Or compulsory baking class every Wednesday! Or cycle to work scheme! Or minuscule discount on whatever product! Huh. Dude, I'm sure most people don't care about these gimmicks. They just want an increased salary (not like the lowest they could possibly give out bc why should they) so they can actually look forward to having a good, stable future.

Apprenticeships suck too. Why should you have to study and work a time-consuming job at the same time? For a pittance I might add! How is this any different to getting study at university and working p/t? Also, again more competition for work that the rare 0.007% have access to.

No wonder there is a lack of social mobility in society. Employers just treat people like shit regardless of the empty rhetoric on their company sites.

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