
When I quit my job, my boss asked me if I was willing to reconsider for higher pay.

I worked at a relatively easy job where I was paid decently and got a promotion. I really liked my coworkers and we all really felt like friends. Unfortunately two of my coworkers quit and I got saddled with 4 roles (we were already understaffed) for nearly two years while my boss was saying they were trying to rehire. To be honest 4 roles in this industry is probably just 1 high strung job in other industries, which is how I lasted 2 years. Despite the job being much more relaxing than the horror stories you hear here, I still felt stressed with all the deadlines. My manager didn't do a great job of managing me so I spent most of my days in meetings, creating strategy, and executing the work itself. I felt like I was highly paid but applied to a different org for a higher title. Sure…

I worked at a relatively easy job where I was paid decently and got a promotion. I really liked my coworkers and we all really felt like friends. Unfortunately two of my coworkers quit and I got saddled with 4 roles (we were already understaffed) for nearly two years while my boss was saying they were trying to rehire. To be honest 4 roles in this industry is probably just 1 high strung job in other industries, which is how I lasted 2 years.

Despite the job being much more relaxing than the horror stories you hear here, I still felt stressed with all the deadlines. My manager didn't do a great job of managing me so I spent most of my days in meetings, creating strategy, and executing the work itself. I felt like I was highly paid but applied to a different org for a higher title.

Sure enough I got the job and put in my two weeks notice. The new job is a significant salary bump and a better title. I also got 4 weeks of vacation which is pretty rare in my field, and a full pension. My old boss looked like her soul left her body. She didn't let me tell people I quit for a while and eventually got me in a meeting to try to convince me to take a raise and stay.

I laughed and told her we both know that money alone wouldn't match my new title and that the company would likely look to replace me ASAP because they knew I wanted to leave. She looked very dejected about it but didn't even try to correct me.

Moral of the story is that I really felt treated well at my first job and I was STILL exploited, they STILL could have paid me more. Oh and I haven't spoken to those coworkers since I quit, not because there are any issues, but because coworkers aren't friends or family and most of the time we all forget about each other when we leave. Don't be loyal, don't be a team player, do what's best for you.

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