
Don’t suppose anyone wants to call my previous employer to test if they are badmouthing me…?

Been applying to every job possible. It's been a month since turning in my letter of resignation to an extremely toxic and abusive employer who insisted I was “one of the best” and “making a huge mistake” and that I would have a position if I ever came back. But since then I've been getting nothing but rejection letters from every level of position from qualified to over qualified. I might just be paranoid… but my last interview went great, they bumped me up to interviewing for two other open positions that were higher up in management because of my qualifications and how much they openly liked my personality and presence. Two days later they tell me they went with a more qualified candidate – that's great… but they interviewed me for literally three open positions and now I'm not a good fit for any because they went with someone…

Been applying to every job possible. It's been a month since turning in my letter of resignation to an extremely toxic and abusive employer who insisted I was “one of the best” and “making a huge mistake” and that I would have a position if I ever came back. But since then I've been getting nothing but rejection letters from every level of position from qualified to over qualified.

I might just be paranoid… but my last interview went great, they bumped me up to interviewing for two other open positions that were higher up in management because of my qualifications and how much they openly liked my personality and presence. Two days later they tell me they went with a more qualified candidate – that's great… but they interviewed me for literally three open positions and now I'm not a good fit for any because they went with someone else?

I might be depressed and desperate to blame anyone else… but that gives me the feeling they called my previous employer who dragged my reputation and work ethic through the mud… there's no other reason they would do such a drastic 180 after basically telling me I got a job, it's just a matter of placing me in the best position.

I'm going to check the box for DO NOT CONTACT on future applications… but I feel like that's just going to hurt me more…

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