
Would you support a measure for “Corporate Execution”?

We all know that corporations can usually get away with everything as the consequences/fines are much less than what is required to deter them. They would happily keep paying fines every year if it was more profitable to just keep breaking the law. In order to make corporations actually responsible, we need a way to truly deter them from exploiting their workers and endangering people. Thus “Corporate Execution” is born. If a company has too many violations on their rap sheet, and shows no signs of improving, courts can order their “execution”. What happens next is that the corporation stops existing as a coherent entity, and pieces of it are either made into new and independent corporations or are absorbed by the highest bidder. Proceeds from the sales are distributed to those who were most affected, followed by those who would be losing their jobs due to company's dissolution, and…

We all know that corporations can usually get away with everything as the consequences/fines are much less than what is required to deter them. They would happily keep paying fines every year if it was more profitable to just keep breaking the law.

In order to make corporations actually responsible, we need a way to truly deter them from exploiting their workers and endangering people.

Thus “Corporate Execution” is born. If a company has too many violations on their rap sheet, and shows no signs of improving, courts can order their “execution”.

What happens next is that the corporation stops existing as a coherent entity, and pieces of it are either made into new and independent corporations or are absorbed by the highest bidder. Proceeds from the sales are distributed to those who were most affected, followed by those who would be losing their jobs due to company's dissolution, and only after that the shareholders would be paid out from the remaining money according to how many shares they hold.

I feel like if we are treating corporations as “persons” in law, it would only be fitting that they could be walked to the gallows just like regular people.

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