
Work sucks because of other people

If I put this rant on r/rant, it would just be bootlickers commenting. Besides the glaring downsides of work such as wage labor, low pay, no benefits, living to work instead of working to live, and other ethical concerns, I have to leave my solitude to work. The oppressed have to answer to the oppressors, neurodivergent people have to mask, disabled and mentally ill people have to pretend to be ok Your coworkers that tend to fare well in the workplace are toxic abusive bullies, and the idea that I have to play nice with these fucking wastes of space to keep from being homeless fucking infuriates me. I have to avoid speaking to them but not so much that they think I hate them so that they don't find something to use against me while I'm there. You spend 8-12 hours at work for your entire life, and you…

If I put this rant on r/rant, it would just be bootlickers commenting.

Besides the glaring downsides of work such as wage labor, low pay, no benefits, living to work instead of working to live, and other ethical concerns, I have to leave my solitude to work.

The oppressed have to answer to the oppressors, neurodivergent people have to mask, disabled and mentally ill people have to pretend to be ok

Your coworkers that tend to fare well in the workplace are toxic abusive bullies, and the idea that I have to play nice with these fucking wastes of space to keep from being homeless fucking infuriates me. I have to avoid speaking to them but not so much that they think I hate them so that they don't find something to use against me while I'm there. You spend 8-12 hours at work for your entire life, and you have to spend those hours cosplaying a sterilized robotic being with no feelings or opinions. I have to make eye contact with these cretins.

Someone is going to say I'm a misanthrope or that I need to grow up. I can feel it. Some other leftist might say “they are your comrades” man, fuck that. I have been fucked over so much for my entire life. I've only held two jobs, and I've held them for more than a year too. My sleep schedule is ruined from working 7 am to 7 pm/7 pm to 7 am switching off each week. I have no circadian rhythm. I went to bed at 5 pm today and woke up at 11 pm. The day before I stayed up to 4 am and woke up at 10 pm. My psyche is ruined. I make zero happy chemicals. Doctors can't explain what's wrong with me. People are dismissive to me in general. They call me a lazy bum. They push me to work again but that just makes me feel like shit. My boyfriend doesn't mind letting me stay at home and do all of our domestic labor.

I honestly used to think I'd be done being held hostage by other people after highschool, but the workplace is worse and the thought of doing this for the rest of my life is unbearable. I keep taking a hiatus from work but I can't do that forever. Do not call me naive or inexperienced. I've been working since birth. I've had a horrible childhood with literally every single type of abuse and neglect and my parents are dead because of their poor life choices and capitalism/lack of socialized healthcare. I was parentified as the eldest daughter. (I'm a trans man though.)

I've experienced sexism to the highest degree for my entire life. I was harassed at work as a server (I did all the jobs including grill too but got paid like a server at 18. My first job.)

They used and abused me and did lots of things that I know are illegal now. My managers objectified me and treated me like shit at the same time just like every other stupid fucking waste of space I've ever encountered. My second job, the one with the swing shift, I was around a bunch of old white male boomers that scared off all the women and black people. When their treatment didn't make me quit, they told HR I was a horrible employee. They had no proof, so they lied to them about me harassing a male employee. It was especially ironic since every single one of those male employees harassed and made inappropriate jokes every single shift at all the women who had the audacity to work there.

I'm an out and visible trans man who barely leaves the house anymore because someone treats me like shit every time I do, and I can't imagine returning to the workforce again. I know I'll have to eventually but I really, really dread it. I'm going to college but failed some classes because I'm a shambling mess of a human being.

I guess I just wanted to scream into the void, but also have some validation thrown back at me. Please no advice. I just want understanding. I hope someone out there reads this and feels less alone or feels compelled to make sure their workplace isn't like this if they're in a position to do so.

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