
Go it alone or try rally the team for more chance of result?

I work In IT support remote job to US from UK when started job was maybe 13 calls a day each wee bit of idle time etc. The team has been cut in half they are trying to replace but doing half arsed job. So instead they have cut our resolution time. We have a team of 12 doing around 300 + calls a day. Not a moment of downtime and just the workload is almost doubled. The pay is meh £22k but being so close to London that doesn't mean shit as can't live on that average rent is £1000 a month leaving about £500 for everything else. Went to the shop today and something that was maybe a pound last week is now £1.20 some stuff I understand but others seems like a scam. We are working harder and I know for a fact the company is doing…

I work In IT support remote job to US from UK when started job was maybe 13 calls a day each wee bit of idle time etc.

The team has been cut in half they are trying to replace but doing half arsed job. So instead they have cut our resolution time. We have a team of 12 doing around 300 + calls a day. Not a moment of downtime and just the workload is almost doubled.

The pay is meh £22k but being so close to London that doesn't mean shit as can't live on that average rent is £1000 a month leaving about £500 for everything else.

Went to the shop today and something that was maybe a pound last week is now £1.20 some stuff I understand but others seems like a scam.

We are working harder and I know for a fact the company is doing very well having just sold a part off for a few hundred million the same month telling our yearly pay rise was 0.15%

This is just bullshit I'm going to say something I need more money or I'm moving on don't care will leapfrog can do a easier job for same money so fuck it rather have less stress.

My question is do I try / trust the people I work with to get on board and fight with me or go solo?

Can you be sacked for trying to rally a group for a raise?
How do you rally those if someone wants to just be a bootlicker and tell management the plan before its presented?

How do you present such a thing do you think its even worth the bother?

Not askign the world but 10% raise for each in line with inflation seems fair.

All earning near the same I assume that is maybe 2200×12 = 26400 almost the cost of a single new employee to keep us happy and feel even a tiny bit valued that seems like a reasonable trade off.

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