
Everything should be closed at least one day a week

I’m American (obviously lol look at the title) but everything being open every day of the week forever except Christmas and Thanksgiving is so toxic. Especially in retail. I don’t give a flying flip if that’s the biggest sale day, you are an employer first, then a service/good provider. But having at least one day where the employees KNOW they’re not working would solve so many problems and make working much more enjoyable. I studied abroad in Europe and everything was shut down on Sunday. “What if I need to go to the pharmacy or grocery store that day” we asked our teacher. They said plan ahead or maybe the pharmacy by the train station might be open since there are lots of travelers coming through. Point being you learn to adapt after being hungry one or two Sunday’s because the only thing open is McDonald’s at a train station.…

I’m American (obviously lol look at the title) but everything being open every day of the week forever except Christmas and Thanksgiving is so toxic. Especially in retail. I don’t give a flying flip if that’s the biggest sale day, you are an employer first, then a service/good provider. But having at least one day where the employees KNOW they’re not working would solve so many problems and make working much more enjoyable.

I studied abroad in Europe and everything was shut down on Sunday. “What if I need to go to the pharmacy or grocery store that day” we asked our teacher. They said plan ahead or maybe the pharmacy by the train station might be open since there are lots of travelers coming through. Point being you learn to adapt after being hungry one or two Sunday’s because the only thing open is McDonald’s at a train station.

Especially in the United States where Saturday and Sunday are so ingrained into society as weekends and days off for people with office jobs, it sucks when you’re the only one who has a day off on a Wednesday and the rest of society is out enjoying their weekend.

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