
Revolt already. We’re Brave, The people, And our Own constitution demands we act upon this. Do not incite violence. Incite protest, Incite seizure of government buildings, Incite Seizing means of production. Incite your rights, freedoms, desires, and NEEDS. FIGHT. BACK.

I am not inciting violence. we need to fight back now more than ever because of how fucking ridiculous everything has become. ​ whether it be the lift on a constitutional right to hold authorities accountable for entering your premises being robbed from us, justifying fucking murder of innocent lives because of corrupt heathens running our lives. ​ whether it be the shootings taking place and slaughtering our next generation of loving innocent children who did nothing but exist in the wrong place at the wrong time as our cowardly police force sat and fucking watched. ​ whether it be that our housing is not affordable, homeless rates are skyrocketing, and people are starving to death because of bare essentials being treated as commodities and unnecessary pleasures. ​ whether it be that shell is raking in billions and billions off of exploiting every innocent person who needs to use their…

I am not inciting violence.

we need to fight back now more than ever because of how fucking ridiculous everything has become.

whether it be the lift on a constitutional right to hold authorities accountable for entering your premises being robbed from us, justifying fucking murder of innocent lives because of corrupt heathens running our lives.

whether it be the shootings taking place and slaughtering our next generation of loving innocent children who did nothing but exist in the wrong place at the wrong time as our cowardly police force sat and fucking watched.

whether it be that our housing is not affordable, homeless rates are skyrocketing, and people are starving to death because of bare essentials being treated as commodities and unnecessary pleasures.

whether it be that shell is raking in billions and billions off of exploiting every innocent person who needs to use their vehicles for numerosity of things, being forced to pay fucking absurd prices for something they “have a limited quantity of” as they sit on 6,000 mining permits that are untapped.

whether it be Bezos destroying landmarks and historical places for his fucking yacht to fit through because it wasn't convenient enough for him.

whether it be that we all work back-breaking labor day in and out regardless of trade, job, or position, for fucking particles of the wage we deserve because of these greedy corporate mongrels stealing from us. there is an o l i g a r c h y. we do not live in a state for the people by the people. we are prisoners to an exploitative society that does nothing for us yet provides us our suffering at the expense of nothing for them but profit and comfort as they sit in their fucking mansions and yachts, never having to worry about where they'll be sleeping that night, whether that they can pay rent or even afford to place down a lease.

whether they can eat a warm meal or starve that day and night, whether they have to fucking die of heatstroke as they rot under trees in our cities because they have nowhere else to go. where innocent lives, people, loving people, funny, hard-working, loving families, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters of every race face and place are withering and losing their happiness, joys, and human rights as we were given by whatever power or luck we were brought into existence with. we are not workers. we are not fucking slaves. and we are not money. we are human beings who deserve housing, water, affordable food, free healthcare, and safe schools that pay their teachers enormously larger amounts than they are so selfishly denied right now.

we need to fucking create the village we deserve, not our concrete industrial work camps. please god, fight back. please. we all know this is how we feel, we all know there must be change and a fight. take back our joys, our cities, our love, and freedoms, take back our rights and our power as the people, whether you are liberal or republican, it is our duty as the people to send this rotting fucking failure of a government and repulsive corporate society into flames. organize. plan. and act.

this is not inciting violence.

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