
You want a meaningful solution to change without violence and death?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You want a change? Like a literal powerful change that is of NO effort to you or anyone? Then let’s all STOP! Just STOP. Let me repeat that in case it hasn’t dawned on anyone yet, let’s STOP! We are all living in a economy that strives off of OUR hard work, OUR health, and OUR hard earned money. Not theirs, not the wealthy, not the super wealthy and most certainly not the politicians who are also wealthy. They literally FEED off of all of us where we’re a plumber, retail worker, office worker, Amazon, fast food, you name it, you are taken advantage of. So the idea is to just STOP doing anything. Literally. Why waste our efforts, our energies, why waste ANYTHING of ours if they treat us like waste? I’m not saying don’t to protests, you should always…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

You want a change? Like a literal powerful change that is of NO effort to you or anyone?

Then let’s all STOP!

Just STOP.

Let me repeat that in case it hasn’t dawned on anyone yet, let’s STOP!

We are all living in a economy that strives off of OUR hard work, OUR health, and OUR hard earned money. Not theirs, not the wealthy, not the super wealthy and most certainly not the politicians who are also wealthy.

They literally FEED off of all of us where we’re a plumber, retail worker, office worker, Amazon, fast food, you name it, you are taken advantage of.

So the idea is to just STOP doing anything. Literally. Why waste our efforts, our energies, why waste ANYTHING of ours if they treat us like waste?

I’m not saying don’t to protests, you should always fight for what’s right. But what I am saying is what if you don’t have to? What if we all just stopped doing things for any company.

Just not show up. Done.

Now you might be thinking, “Well it’s easier said than done. People have responsibilities.” – This is true and it’s not going to be easy for everyone but the truth of it is, is that it’s not going to get any easier for anybody. It’s only going to get harder. But we HAVE to do something.

We can’t keep doing this.

You’re not going to get any change, meaningful change by complaining on here. You’re not going to get any meaningful change by constantly making these companies and CEOs, their Oligarchs richer and you, myself and everyone else keeps giving them that.

It’s time to stop now, guys. I don’t know if this is going to get anywhere. I don’t know if anybody’s going to read this or take seriously. This idea might even sound stupid.

What are they going to do? Fire the entirety of America? Let’s stop giving these assholes our time and effort and see how rich they really feel after no one gives it to them.

I would like to call this movement into something like, “The Great Stop” or something similar to it. I would like to hear feedback and opinions and thoughts on it. Like I want a real discussion on the idea.

Do you think it would work? Do you think it would go somewhere or do nothing? What does the collective think? It’s about me, you, and all of us.

Let’s put an end to this bullshit. We are there working class, we make them the money, we do provide everything.

They do nothing for us.

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