
2 weeks into my new work and I’m already drained and scared to get kicked out

For some context, this is my second job after graduation (first one lasted 5 months) so I’m supposed to have an entry level position, except that my supervisor is so annoyed by me all the time for having questions or not “knowing what I’m doing”. Good to mention is that all the tasks am getting are things I have never done before so I need a proper training into all these tasks and into how the whole system works. Instead I get really mad at from my supervisor and hear comments like “ I can do this task much faster than trying to explain it to you” or “you’re an engineer figure it out yourself “ which obviously makes sense because he has 10+ years of experience and I have none, but how I’m I supposed to get this experience and knowledge like his without learning from someone? My supervisor…

For some context, this is my second job after graduation (first one lasted 5 months) so I’m supposed to have an entry level position, except that my supervisor is so annoyed by me all the time for having questions or not “knowing what I’m doing”. Good to mention is that all the tasks am getting are things I have never done before so I need a proper training into all these tasks and into how the whole system works. Instead I get really mad at from my supervisor and hear comments like “ I can do this task much faster than trying to explain it to you” or “you’re an engineer figure it out yourself “ which obviously makes sense because he has 10+ years of experience and I have none, but how I’m I supposed to get this experience and knowledge like his without learning from someone? My supervisor is btw supposed to be there for me when I have questions and problem understanding stuff, so I wonder if he even understand his role at all? Now am really worried about getting kicked out because I can’t meet his expectations (I have a 6 months trial time which is very normal to have here in Germany).
My boss (also his boss) has less expectations on me and is mainly expecting me to get trained and learn about how things pretty much work there in the company.
I really want to get a bit more experience and not leave my second real job again after only a few months.

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