
Every time I call out sick, I still end up coming in to work

Hello my first post. Just needed to rant after I got off the phone with my manager. I work in retail; a craft and gift store. 2 weeks ago I sent out mass email and text for coverage of close because of a fever (not Covid) and was told by another coworker that they can stay longer – but then they changed their mind. I had to come in to close. I sent a text to my boss at 4:15 this morning saying I have had a migraine (if you’ve ever had one you know what I mean when I say they suck) and I wasn’t able to come in today and I will send out for coverage (even tho I wasn’t originally scheduled today anyway, just coming in as a favor as we are short staffed) And I call the store to ensure she got my text upon opening…

Hello my first post.

Just needed to rant after I got off the phone with my manager.

I work in retail; a craft and gift store. 2 weeks ago I sent out mass email and text for coverage of close because of a fever (not Covid) and was told by another coworker that they can stay longer – but then they changed their mind. I had to come in to close.

I sent a text to my boss at 4:15 this morning saying I have had a migraine (if you’ve ever had one you know what I mean when I say they suck) and I wasn’t able to come in today and I will send out for coverage (even tho I wasn’t originally scheduled today anyway, just coming in as a favor as we are short staffed)

And I call the store to ensure she got my text upon opening (she says she didn’t) and long story short I’m going into work at a later time to close for her but also to confront her when she accused me of “calling out a lot” which I don’t. In cases I’ve not been able to come in, I have had coverage, repaid those who came in for me and switched shifts/covered for them or, just straight up gone in dozed up on DayQuil!

I am seething. I am angry. And I’m just done.


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