
how to stop feeling bad about quitting w/o notice?

I'm in college and up until this point, I've worked in fast food and retail jobs. A lot of them have been with underage kids and it's so draining working with teenagers. I'm 20 and I'm just so tired of working in retail and fast food. I'm studying education and start subbing in August. But what I noticed is retail and fast food managers ALWAYS are so toxic and try to make you feel and for quitting even though they need you to run the place. I still have two years till I graduate which I plan to have jobs that match my career but most of my retail/food job I quit without notice or didn't finish my notice because it was that bad. Obviously, I don't plan to do this with other jobs especially those important to my career. But from this point on, I don't plan on working…

I'm in college and up until this point, I've worked in fast food and retail jobs. A lot of them have been with underage kids and it's so draining working with teenagers. I'm 20 and I'm just so tired of working in retail and fast food. I'm studying education and start subbing in August. But what I noticed is retail and fast food managers ALWAYS are so toxic and try to make you feel and for quitting even though they need you to run the place. I still have two years till I graduate which I plan to have jobs that match my career but most of my retail/food job I quit without notice or didn't finish my notice because it was that bad. Obviously, I don't plan to do this with other jobs especially those important to my career. But from this point on, I don't plan on working in retail/fast food again.

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