
Thank you, r/antiwork. I’m now free from the Capitalist mindset.

I used to be one of the people that snarled at this sub. I used to think this sub was full of lazy people who wanted a free ride. I was wrong, oh so wrong. Since following this sub, I've realized this group just wants equal and fair treatment for workers. What's so bad about that? Nothing. Nothing at all. I fell into that trap of being lower middle class, or straight up poor, yet thinking voting for the right individual would make everything in my world better. That didn't happen. No matter which party I voted. Now I fully support a major minimum wage increase to a livable wage with yearly raise, UBI, single payer healthcare system, and other ideas that help PEOPLE, not just the elite and not just a corporation that is dehumanizing the workforce. Systems that help people. I truly do thank you all. What started…

I used to be one of the people that snarled at this sub. I used to think this sub was full of lazy people who wanted a free ride. I was wrong, oh so wrong.

Since following this sub, I've realized this group just wants equal and fair treatment for workers. What's so bad about that? Nothing. Nothing at all.

I fell into that trap of being lower middle class, or straight up poor, yet thinking voting for the right individual would make everything in my world better. That didn't happen. No matter which party I voted.

Now I fully support a major minimum wage increase to a livable wage with yearly raise, UBI, single payer healthcare system, and other ideas that help PEOPLE, not just the elite and not just a corporation that is dehumanizing the workforce. Systems that help people.

I truly do thank you all. What started as a follow to laugh at, has become eye opening and a much needed mindset change.

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