
Fuck Ross dress for less

Today is employee evaluation and “raises”, we recently broke our stores profit record enough that we got a second manger, apparently only stores that cross over the 5 million per year get a second manager. Today they’re evaluating us saying out stores cpr has dropped a few points and we need to “hustle” to get it back up. They acknowledged our hard work over the past year and threw a quarter at us. Not even every 6 months. Once a year we get an extra 25 cents. But ooooh wow it’s more than they gave last year 🥵last year it wasn’t even a quarter.. a nickel and a dime… I meant 6 million

Today is employee evaluation and “raises”, we recently broke our stores profit record enough that we got a second manger, apparently only stores that cross over the 5 million per year get a second manager. Today they’re evaluating us saying out stores cpr has dropped a few points and we need to “hustle” to get it back up. They acknowledged our hard work over the past year and threw a quarter at us. Not even every 6 months. Once a year we get an extra 25 cents. But ooooh wow it’s more than they gave last year 🥵last year it wasn’t even a quarter.. a nickel and a dime…
I meant 6 million

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