
Fired for Autism- what are my rights?

I was fired from my job of 6 years on Friday, and I strongly suspect, whether maliciously intended or not, was due to my autism. I worked for a fairly large video game merchandise company. I work in the state of Arizona, which is an at-will employment state. I was actively seeking out a formal diagnosis for my disability before this happened, and they cut me off before I could get one. What are my rights? What documentation do I need? Do I get a lawyer? They cut off all access I had to company DMs the second I left the building, which will make it difficult to obtain screenshots or “proof”. I don't know where to start. Im scared and I don't know if I have the ability to work for another company due to my autism, I would love to not work at all. My options feel limited.…

I was fired from my job of 6 years on Friday, and I strongly suspect, whether maliciously intended or not, was due to my autism. I worked for a fairly large video game merchandise company. I work in the state of Arizona, which is an at-will employment state. I was actively seeking out a formal diagnosis for my disability before this happened, and they cut me off before I could get one.

What are my rights? What documentation do I need? Do I get a lawyer? They cut off all access I had to company DMs the second I left the building, which will make it difficult to obtain screenshots or “proof”. I don't know where to start. Im scared and I don't know if I have the ability to work for another company due to my autism, I would love to not work at all. My options feel limited.

Thank you for hearing me out. Please let me know if I need more information.

(written by OP in question's partner. OP struggles with communication.)

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