
Can you report to the labor board anonymously?

I’ve worked at a small business in California for 6months. I work onsite 7-9hrs and have never once received a lunch bc there’s no one available to cover the front – the owner knows this is a problem. I took on a managerial position a month ago, including the raise I desperately need, but I just realized that I’m no longer receiving overtime on my paycheck. I need this job, but these practices are effed. I’m guessing a case would need personal evidence like time card entries, but I’m hoping to avoid backlash. Any help or advice is appreciated.

I’ve worked at a small business in California for 6months. I work onsite 7-9hrs and have never once received a lunch bc there’s no one available to cover the front – the owner knows this is a problem. I took on a managerial position a month ago, including the raise I desperately need, but I just realized that I’m no longer receiving overtime on my paycheck. I need this job, but these practices are effed. I’m guessing a case would need personal evidence like time card entries, but I’m hoping to avoid backlash. Any help or advice is appreciated.

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