
How do you tell your manager you’re looking for another job without actually telling them?

I'm fed up with my current employment mainly because of my manager. This manager was just promoted to become manager and doesn't know how to manage correctly. Work would be distributed unevenly with the hard workers taking on more. My manager was just promoted to become manager and was just a developer before so he barely has any management experience. I came onboard after he was promoted and has been dumping everything onto me. The reason he does this is because he doesn't want to upset his peers, his peers being the people he worked alongside with before his promotion. He sees me as someone who truly accepts him as a manager and commands me to do all these tasks while his peers get to chill. If you look at our Kanban board( a board where you can see current and existing tasks) you will see I have the most…

I'm fed up with my current employment mainly because of my manager. This manager was just promoted to become manager and doesn't know how to manage correctly. Work would be distributed unevenly with the hard workers taking on more.

My manager was just promoted to become manager and was just a developer before so he barely has any management experience. I came onboard after he was promoted and has been dumping everything onto me. The reason he does this is because he doesn't want to upset his peers, his peers being the people he worked alongside with before his promotion. He sees me as someone who truly accepts him as a manager and commands me to do all these tasks while his peers get to chill.

If you look at our Kanban board( a board where you can see current and existing tasks) you will see I have the most cards completed and also the most upcoming projects cards. Also, every time he messages me on Teams or emails, I respond instantly to him while the others do not. He even told me the others do not fully accept him as a manager. I'm the only one who does and he feels comfortable commanding me and assigning me work.

I'm sick of it, and today was the tipping point because he wanted me to start a task in which I asked him if he can assign it to someone else because I have a lot of stuff going on. He said no and didn't provide a reason. He knows I don't like this task and I even asked him last month if he can assign this to someone else like the new guy that came onboard and he agreed he would give it to him, but I guess he changed his mind.

He is the most incompetent manager I have ever worked under. I think he just needs more experience, but right now I have to endure his inexperience until he gains it.

I'm starting to look for another job, but I want to give him a hint that I will leave if he doesn't stop with this favoritism thing he's got going on. So how would I tell him I'm searching for another job without actually telling him?

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