
I’m starting to hate my job

I've been working here for a year, and am one of the hardest workers on the team. I'm a sales associate, and after around 10 months finally asked for a promotion. I was told there's “no room to move up”, but then around a week later a girl who had been working here for only a month or two got promoted from sales associate into the position where there was supposedly “no room to move up in”. I'm constantly doing something or looking for something to do, and never just stand around. I'm very good at my job and am always cheery and energetic, and it just isn't paying off. My last straw was the manager hiring not one but TWO new employees, when everyone else on the team is hardly getting any hours. When I was hired I was told to expect 10-20 a week, and I've been getting…

I've been working here for a year, and am one of the hardest workers on the team. I'm a sales associate, and after around 10 months finally asked for a promotion. I was told there's “no room to move up”, but then around a week later a girl who had been working here for only a month or two got promoted from sales associate into the position where there was supposedly “no room to move up in”. I'm constantly doing something or looking for something to do, and never just stand around. I'm very good at my job and am always cheery and energetic, and it just isn't paying off. My last straw was the manager hiring not one but TWO new employees, when everyone else on the team is hardly getting any hours. When I was hired I was told to expect 10-20 a week, and I've been getting 5-10 along with the other sales associates. I understand that we just don't have very many hours right now, but why hire two extra people when the employess you already have are only getting 1 day a week??

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