
To work or not?

Throw away account. So, I have an incurable condition that affects my ability to work, as a result, I get generous state benefits, housing paid for the whole 9 yards. This means that unless my benefits are stopped (which won’t happen because my condition is uncurable) I have a choice. However, a few months ago, I started taking a new medication which improved my condition somewhat, and now I am being pressured by family (and society) to come off the benefits and work. Problem is, the money I am getting now is more than enough to live on, plus I have all of my own time which I now use to help others. Furthermore, before I got sick, I used to work the 9 to 5 and understand how depressing the whole experience can be, for example, dealing with rude customers/managers. On top of that, if I start working again,…

Throw away account.

So, I have an incurable condition that affects my ability to work, as a result, I get generous state benefits, housing paid for the whole 9 yards. This means that unless my benefits are stopped (which won’t happen because my condition is uncurable) I have a choice.

However, a few months ago, I started taking a new medication which improved my condition somewhat, and now I am being pressured by family (and society) to come off the benefits and work. Problem is, the money I am getting now is more than enough to live on, plus I have all of my own time which I now use to help others. Furthermore, before I got sick, I used to work the 9 to 5 and understand how depressing the whole experience can be, for example, dealing with rude customers/managers. On top of that, if I start working again, after-tax I will be making close to the same amount I am getting now, at least for the first few years anyway. So, my question is this, what would you do?

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