
Put in my two weeks, manager responds by treating me like crap and changing my schedule with no notice.

So I've worked at this company since the beginning of the year, it's a lower position that what I used to do, but I had some unfortunate life events and had to temporarily take a step back from work to deal with personal matters. The original manager and I worked together fantastically, everything got done correctly and on time, and I've gotten along with their boss well. However, about a month and a half back quit and someone else was hired. Now this individual and I pretty quickly got off to a bad start, I was treated poorly, disrespected, and my opinion of what needed done or should be done has been seen as irrelevant. This lead to a lot of issues, and during one conversation I was being cut off and spoken over constantly, so I stated “if you want to have a conversation about this I am happy…

So I've worked at this company since the beginning of the year, it's a lower position that what I used to do, but I had some unfortunate life events and had to temporarily take a step back from work to deal with personal matters.

The original manager and I worked together fantastically, everything got done correctly and on time, and I've gotten along with their boss well.

However, about a month and a half back quit and someone else was hired. Now this individual and I pretty quickly got off to a bad start, I was treated poorly, disrespected, and my opinion of what needed done or should be done has been seen as irrelevant.

This lead to a lot of issues, and during one conversation I was being cut off and spoken over constantly, so I stated “if you want to have a conversation about this I am happy to, however if you are just going to talk to me and cut me off and speak over me constantly I will end this conversation”. Literally the next sentence I tried to speak I was cut off. So I stated that I was done with the conversation for that time, and if they wanted to have a respectful conversation in the future we could. And I walked away.

I then had a fantastic opportunity come up, which puts me back into a similar role as before, and pays almost double. I also only report to the president and the ceo of the company. I get along with both well.

I put in my two weeks last Monday, and things have gotten worse. I absolutely busted my butt today going out the way for said manager, trying to do everything right. I was questioned about not taking a lunch, which I never do, and told them I ate real quick on my 10 minute break, as I always do.

I was then told they stopped by where I was meant to be to check on me, and that I wasn't there. Well it must have been on one of my 10 minute breaks, I am not required to be on site for those.

I am then told that they will be changing my schedule for the remainder, that I will now be required to take a lunch, and change the time I leave. Which is extremely inconvenient as myw wife and I commute an hour each way together.

I'm just pissed, try to do things right, put in a two week notice, do everything I can, and get treated like absolute trash.

TLDR: put in my two weeks, crappy manager responds by treating me worse, questioning where I was on my break, and responding by changing my schedule for the final week, which makes commuting with my wife difficult.

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