
Tale of a major university and how they treat their ppl.

My wife was a cook at a restaurant run by a major university we'll call em SUCU. She ran that place for years often times taking the lead after yet another chef would quit leaving her venue with no chef. After doing the lead chef job for 6 months with no additional pay she finally managed to get them to talk about promoting her. Time comes where they finally give her the bump officially and they pay her 4k less than her previous chef (cited lack of experience at the position besides doing it solo with no sous chef for half a year). She never complained and kept that place in shape (it being one of the busiest venues in campus especially during football and basketball seasons) and she made do with her situation and excelled. Then the pandemic hit and her entire venue shut down. The school did keep…

My wife was a cook at a restaurant run by a major university we'll call em SUCU. She ran that place for years often times taking the lead after yet another chef would quit leaving her venue with no chef. After doing the lead chef job for 6 months with no additional pay she finally managed to get them to talk about promoting her. Time comes where they finally give her the bump officially and they pay her 4k less than her previous chef (cited lack of experience at the position besides doing it solo with no sous chef for half a year).
She never complained and kept that place in shape (it being one of the busiest venues in campus especially during football and basketball seasons) and she made do with her situation and excelled. Then the pandemic hit and her entire venue shut down. The school did keep her and the staff on payroll (only cuz they didn't want to have to train an entire new staff) but the decision to change the venue ended her time with the university.
After 11 years and doing the job that others were paid more for she still loved the venue and wants to work for the school. She is still loyal to them despite them leaving her in the dust.

The school ended up reopening the venue with a Skelton staff and terminated everyone else that was working there. On top of this when they reopened the venue they didn't even give my wife a call or anything to help get her a position in the university they just left her in the dust. They instead dumped a second venue on the managers of the venue next door again with no additional raise for additional duties.

11 years of dedication (4 years away from paid tuition for our daughter) and loyalty to that place and they didn't even attempt to retain her or let her know of opening positions. Instead the hired new managers for less. Flash forward to now I work for the same school and same department (after she got me in while she was working) and watch as this school just not give a shit about any of their ppl. I've watched 3 mangers retire or leave for other positions (for running 2 venues for same pay and asking for a raise and being denied). Benefits are all that keep most employees here cuz it's getting harder to find jobs that offer them and we have a union so they can't fire us as easily as managers.

Moral of the story, it doesn't matter how well you do with almost any company in America now they'll drop you in a second if they can save a dime. The directors of the school….. got paid the same but most areas had to let hundreds of ppl rot. Loyalty only works one way with them.

Oh ya to the guy that saved an entire venue from burning down for them? A note saying thanks written on a torn of piece of paper from a director. But were “Family” right?

Thanks for reading my rant. Back to work.

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