
Help! I have an interview tomorrow and don’t know when to say I can start working.

Hey everyone! So I'm applying for my first job (I'm 18) and need a little help here. So I applied to a store that was under construction, unsure of when it would be open. As it turns out the grand opening is in two days! So anyway: because of summer plans and other commitments, I initially didn't plan on working until August, with maybe some training in July if needed. I figured this would work since the place was still being built, but now that isn't the case… anyway, I'm wondering if saying I wouldn't be able to work until then would look bad and potentially harm my chances of getting it? I have no prior experience so I don't know myself. And if so, and I need to say an earlier time, how can I tell them that there will be times where I simply have to take time…

Hey everyone! So I'm applying for my first job (I'm 18) and need a little help here. So I applied to a store that was under construction, unsure of when it would be open. As it turns out the grand opening is in two days! So anyway: because of summer plans and other commitments, I initially didn't plan on working until August, with maybe some training in July if needed. I figured this would work since the place was still being built, but now that isn't the case… anyway, I'm wondering if saying I wouldn't be able to work until then would look bad and potentially harm my chances of getting it? I have no prior experience so I don't know myself. And if so, and I need to say an earlier time, how can I tell them that there will be times where I simply have to take time off? For example, I have a planned family vacation the last week of July. I know taking time off when you've just gotten a job is kind of a bad idea, which is why I wanted to wait until after. What should I say? I want to stand my ground and make sure I can do the things I had planned, but still want to get the job.

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