
Is this company hiding behind LLCs?

A fast food restaurant here in Texas has about 10 locations, in addition to maybe another 10 franchisees. Each location is structured as it's own LLC. The managers work for a “different” company. Managers will work at multiple locations to cover shifts and help. The chain has a central website for information and ordering. I wouldn't care, except I believe the kitchen staff is being exploited. Multiple people work 30+ hours at one site, and then 30+ hours at another site (different LLC, same umbrella). Most have worked years for the company, some even 2+ decades. Most speak very little english, but are legal residents. They do not receive overtime, benefits, vacation, sick time, healthcare, retirement… Only recently has pay been raised to $15 an hour for most of them (but not all). The atmosphere is good. Very good actually. Several have multiple family members working with them and at…

A fast food restaurant here in Texas has about 10 locations, in addition to maybe another 10 franchisees. Each location is structured as it's own LLC. The managers work for a “different” company. Managers will work at multiple locations to cover shifts and help. The chain has a central website for information and ordering.

I wouldn't care, except I believe the kitchen staff is being exploited. Multiple people work 30+ hours at one site, and then 30+ hours at another site (different LLC, same umbrella). Most have worked years for the company, some even 2+ decades. Most speak very little english, but are legal residents.

They do not receive overtime, benefits, vacation, sick time, healthcare, retirement… Only recently has pay been raised to $15 an hour for most of them (but not all).

The atmosphere is good. Very good actually. Several have multiple family members working with them and at different locations.

I don't know how to handle this “kind” abuse. Am I wrong to be concerned?

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