
My boss was shocked I have a roommate

I'm currently in a role that's underpaid by around $13k. Don't get me wrong, I like this job and even though it's underpaid, I'm in Australia so it's still pretty good money. Just less than market rates. I had a catch up meeting with my boss last week, and mentioned my housemate. She was shocked, because at my age, having a housemate isn't “normal”… but I can't afford to live where I live without one. So when we have our end of year meeting, where I've already mentioned in my self-assessment that I want another $13k to match up to market rates, she won't be surprised when I bring it up again. After all, she's got me doing two jobs now, unlike my male co-workers who do just this job. It also means she doesn't get to pull apart anything I may have missed, because I am (literally) doing two…

I'm currently in a role that's underpaid by around $13k. Don't get me wrong, I like this job and even though it's underpaid, I'm in Australia so it's still pretty good money. Just less than market rates.

I had a catch up meeting with my boss last week, and mentioned my housemate. She was shocked, because at my age, having a housemate isn't “normal”… but I can't afford to live where I live without one.

So when we have our end of year meeting, where I've already mentioned in my self-assessment that I want another $13k to match up to market rates, she won't be surprised when I bring it up again. After all, she's got me doing two jobs now, unlike my male co-workers who do just this job. It also means she doesn't get to pull apart anything I may have missed, because I am (literally) doing two jobs. And I can't do my current job properly because she volunteered me to do two jobs before I started this one, and never mentioned it in the interview.

Good god I'm tired….

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