
Just dipped on my first shift and didn’t end well.

(19 F) for some context I had got enrolled on this job online for after school care, today was gonna be my first shift (they give you random schools) mind you I was already super anxious, I had an interview for a different job this morning and didn’t get any sleep last night, I walked 30 minutes there (don’t have my license) and then asked in the staff office where to go since they gave me no information on that what so ever, she appeared annoyed and said that I need to call the company. So I did and they said I need to wait at the staff office and for someone to call me. I waited… and waited and then when 40 minutes had passed and no call, no one, I even called them but no answer. Yes I was annoyed and started to feel a panic attack coming…

(19 F) for some context I had got enrolled on this job online for after school care, today was gonna be my first shift (they give you random schools) mind you I was already super anxious, I had an interview for a different job this morning and didn’t get any sleep last night, I walked 30 minutes there (don’t have my license) and then asked in the staff office where to go since they gave me no information on that what so ever, she appeared annoyed and said that I need to call the company. So I did and they said I need to wait at the staff office and for someone to call me.

I waited… and waited and then when 40 minutes had passed and no call, no one, I even called them but no answer. Yes I was annoyed and started to feel a panic attack coming on. I just thought Is this even worth my time? My mental health? And walked 20 minutes back home. After awhile I got a call from the company saying “where are you we are looking for you” and I just mentioned that I waited 40 minutes and no one called or came and just asked if they could cancel this shift. Of course she was not happy with me and saying “you didn’t even wait that long you can’t just leave a shift, this is your first warning” first of all I did wait that long, I understand I did do the wrong thing but legit what do I owe this fucking company? Why would I put my time and effort into someone who can’t do the bare minimum of welcoming me into a job, why am I constantly bending over?.

Thinking of just calling them and quitting, I’ve got other job opportunities on the line and am willing to work hard as long as I can have some respect and communication, it felt good to stand up for myself, I don’t regret it.

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